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Frequently Asked Questions

Is the judicial interest calculator economical?
Considering that paralegals’ time is billed at $100+ per hour and that it takes over an hour to manually calculate a years-old judgment, the subscription pays for itself for 6 months in a single use.
What date parameters are used in calculating post-judgment interest?
Post judgment interest is calculated from the date of the signing of the judgment through the anticipated date of payment of the judgment.
How is the program helpful in calculating pre-judgment interest for use as a tool in settlement negotiations?
It gives the litigator an edge in settlement negotiations as it helps to quantify your client’s damages. It’s helpful to bring to the mediation table several settlement amounts with interest calculated thereon.
What date parameters are used in calculating pre-judgment interest?
Typically, in settlement negotiations, interest is calculated from the date of the offense complained of through the date of your mediation or anticipated receipt of settlement funds.
Is the calculator useful in calculating pre-judgment interest and if so, how?
The tool is very helpful in that it allows a quick method to calculate the amount of legal interest that is owed from the date of your judgment until a projected judgment date or settlement date. Calculating by hand is difficult and time-consuming.
Is the calculator helpful in calculating pre-judgment interest in settlement negotiations and if so, how?
Being able to calculate quickly the amount of legal interest owed at one certain point is effective in determining the risk that the defendant has for the payment of additional legal interest, often a significant sum. It simply helps to get the number bigger.
How do I cancel my subscription?

While we’re sorry to see you go, we make it simple to cancel your subscription at any time. 

Be sure that you’re logged into your account, visit the Subscriptions tab in the Account Dashboard to view your current subscription.  

Once you’ve clicked “View” on your current subscription, you’ll have the option to cancel or renew that subscription.  

Please contact our team at if you need further assistance.

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